Thursday, 1 March 2007


It seems that scientists have been messing about with brains, pigeons brains...

What they have managed to do is plant electrodes in to a pigeons brain allowing them to remotely control how the pigeon flies.

"Xinhua News Agency said the scientists at the Robot Engineering Technology Research Center at Shandong University of Science and Technology in eastern China used the micro electrodes to command the bird to fly right or left, and up or down."

"It was the first such successful experiment on a pigeon in the world, said Su, who conducted a similar successful experiment on mice in 2005. (AP)"

WHY? What is the point of this bizarre experiment and how can mankind benefit from such experiments???


Talking of brains, boffins have now come to the conclusion that "The Brain is Chaotic".

I could of told you that and I aint no boffin!

Even I know that the brain is a complex and weird organ that no-one really understands as it is too complex for us to ever fully understand.

I will even go as far as to say that the brain is infinitely more complicated than we ourselves can ever comprehend.



News stories about the missing bees seem to be doing the rounds again. Did you know that here in the UK we actually IMPORT bees? Well apparently

we do as they keep disapearing! Can you remember the last time you saw lots of bees flying around during the summer?

The mystery of the vanishing bees continues...

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