Sunday, 21 March 2010

Twisted Sister!

Up until yesterday, I was under the impression that I owned every single Twisted Sister Album they had released.  On this very rare occasion, I was wrong.

I was unaware that I was not the proud owner of their Stay Hungry album!  Needless to say I went straight on to iTunes (normally I'd get the CD but that would take a couple of days to arrive through the post and iTunes is instant download).

On searching for the Stay Hungry album I came across the 25th Anniversary edition which was only a couple of quid more than the standard album so clicked on 'buy now' and it began to download...

The download was taking a lot longer than I was expecting so I had a look at iTunes to see what it was up to and low and behold - there were 26, yes 26 tracks downloading!  More than double what was on the original album and loads of 'new' songs I had never heard before.

I have had a quick listen to the whole of the album but it was very late at night and I didn't want to disturb the neighbours so only had the volume on low - heaven help them today!  Now that it's day time the volume is going LOUD and I don't care if it's a Sunday and everyone is chilling out and enjoying the peace and quiet, in my neighbourhood they are about to be woken up to TWISTED F@*%ing SISTER!!!

Monday, 15 March 2010

The Dowsing Kit

Dowsing and divining are basically one and the same thing.  Dowsing is the interpretation of signs, symbols or movement of a dowsing object to.  There are different types of dowsing/divining ranging from tarot, I Ching to the use of L-rods or a pendulum.

In paranormal terms, dowsing rods (L-rods) and/or pendulums are used to either locate things or to ask questions and get a yes/no type of answer.

The dowsing kit that I have is by Sig Lonegrem and has everything you could ever need to begin dowsing:

Learning to dowse is a lot simpler than you might think and in the next week or so I will give you a brief insight in how to begin dowsing.  Even though I will tell you how to get started, I still recommend that you get hold of a proper dowsing kit (like the one I have) to get you started as the book(s) that come with it go in to a bit more detail than I will and have a lot of dowsing charts that you may find usefull...

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Do Fairies live at the bottom of your garden?

Maybe not anymore, but a recent discovery would suggest that they probably did. What appear to be the mummified remains of a fairy have been discovered in the Derbyshire countryside.

The 8 inch remains complete with wings; skin, teeth and flowing red hair have been examined by anthropologists and forensic experts who can confirm that the body is genuine. X-rays of the 'fairy' reveal an anatomically identical skeleton to that of a child. The bones however, are hollow like those of a bird making them particularly light. The puzzling presence of a navel even suggests that the beings reproduce the same as humans despite the absense of reproductive organs.

The remains were discovered by a local man, who wishes to remain anonymous, while walking his dog along an old Roman road situated between the villages of Duffield and Belper.