I've given up with the Ubuntu version of Linux as I can't get the WiFi working. I've followed all the guides on the internet relating to Dell laptops and the WiFi connection and all I'm doing is wasting my time as none of the so called 'fixes' actually work and as I've no experience of Linux I don't know off the top of my head what I need to do to fix this issue.
Someone recommended I try Fedora so I downloaded version 16 (Gnome) and low and behold in a matter of minutes a new OS is installed on the laptop and everything (including the WiFi) is working OK and the laptop is now as fast as lightning!
On top of the WiFi now working there was a photo application preinstalled that I have copied hundreds of photos in to and it looks and behaves pretty much like Apple's iPhoto program so good news all round really as I was looking for a program that could be used to organise photos in Linux so this saved me having the headache of searching for one.
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