Thursday, 19 July 2007

Wrest Park Investigation

Date: 19th July 2007
Location: Wrest Park, Bedfordshire
Equipment Used: Digital Camera, Digital Dictaphone & IR Digital Laser Thermometer

Location History

Wrest Park has been with the de Grey family for over 700 years.  The original house is long gone but a much newer house is still there today.  The gardens are quite large with plenty of statues, peculiar buildings and relics.

The Petit Trianon, Dogs Cemetary, The Pavillion and Bath House to name but a few...

During WWI, Wrest Park was used as a military hospital.  In 1917 the 8th Baron Lucas was killed in action so his sister inherited the park who later sold it to J G Murray.

J G Murray felled a lot of trees and began to sell a lot of the monuments that were found around the gardens.  Wrest Park was then purchased by the Ministry of Public Buildings and Works who leased it to the National Institute of Agricultural Engineering who began the restoration of the park.

The successor to the NIAE was the Silsoe Research Institute who today work with English Heritage to repair and maintain the gardens.

Preliminary Investigation

On two previous occasions strange anomalies in photographs have appeared in or on the buildings next to the Petit Trianon (which strangely enough is not shown on the map available at the shop/entrance) and The Pavilion.

If you look at the second photograph (which is a close up of the window of the first photograph) you can see what looks like a face with its tongue hanging out.

The third photograph was taken at the same time as me asking if there was anyone there.  The fourth and final photograph shows what appears to be a sheet like formation in the window.

Investigation Notes

Starting at The Pavillion due to the high background noise near the Petit Trianon of someone on a tractor mower, mowing the lawn.

On the way to The Pavilion I was drawn towards the Bowling Green House.  There is a microlight overhead causing loud background noise on the dictaphone so waited for it to vacate the area before beginning.

There was a strange musty kind of smell in the Bowling Green House.  I began taking a few photographs at random to see if anything showed up.  I then began some EVP and asked a selection of questions.

I then left the Bowling Green House and headed off to The Pavilion as originally planned.  On approaching the entrance it became instantly clear that the sheet in the window is nothing more than a trick of the light and is simply a reflection of the light coming in from outside.

I took a wander upstairs to what I believe to be one of the two bed chambers.  On entering the room my legs became quite heavy.  Using a digital thermometer I tested the temparature of the room throught the EVP questioning that followed.  The temparature remained between 19 and 20 degrees with little or no variation.  I then took a few photographs to see if anything would show up.

In the large basement the temparature remained between 14 and 15 degrees.  Photographs were taken and EVP questioning undertaken.

After a spot of lunch near the Chinese Bridge I wandered towards the wooden building next to the Petit Trianon...

The temparature around the wooden building remained between 17.4 and 22 degrees.  On closer inspection the windows were covered in cobwebs with plent of (very) large spiders to boot!

I took photographs at various angles.  I then took a photograph from roughly the same area beside the tree stump as before.

I then went around the back of the building.  The rear wall is covered in small cobwebs.  EVP and a selection of questions were asked here too.


I shall start the conclusion with the EVP recordings I made.  On playback pretty much all of them are simply of me wandering around Wrest Park asking a few random questions with nothing more than the standard background noise, apart from the one where I am in the basement of The Pavilion...

When I asked "if there is anyone here give me a sign", immediately after asking this question a click can be heard.  This same sound can be heard a few times later on in the recording.

This clicking sound does not occur in any of the other EVP recordings and I was alone in The Pavilion at the time (that's the beauty of going during the week, hardly anyone is there).  I did not hear any noises at the time and certainly did not hear this click.  During most of the EVP recordings I was taking photographs so it is possible that the click is from the camera flash but if it was the camera flash making this noise, surely it would be in most of the EVP recordings I made?

Exactly what this click is I do not know at this stage as this is my first paranormal investigation so I shall wait and see if it appears in any future EVP recordings before I come to any conclusions.

In the preliminary investigation a couple of orbs were seen in the photographs I took in the same location I got these clicks from.  Coincindence?  Maybe, maybe not...

With regards to the photographs taken in The Pavilion, as you will have clearly seen from the investigation photographs the sheet like formation is nothing more than a reflection of the light.  After posting the photograph on a paranormal forum (before undertaking this investigation) someone reported seeing something like a statue in the sheet like formation, which was a fantastic observation as there is a statue of William III just outside of the door which would be reflecting in the window in this shot.

Despite this, there still maybe something in the basement of The Pavilion.  In my preliminary investigation orbs were seen when I asked if anyone was there, although no orbs were seen when I conducted the final investigation, an unexplained clicking noise was heard several times via an EVP recording.

With regards to the wooden building next to the Petit Trianon, I was successfully able to recreate a face in the window from roughly the same spot, although this time one that looks different.  Coincidence?  Maybe.  Reflection?  Most likely...

Thursday, 26 April 2007

Sanford And Son

Sanford and Son is a USA sitcom about a father and son who run a junk business together. The son goes off in the truck doing all the actual work of collecting other peoples unwanted items which they either sell for scrap or sell on from their junk yard.
Sound familiar? It should do as it is heavily based on the hit UK Television Series written by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson, Steptoe and Son!

So far I have Series 1 & 2 (or should that be 'season' not series?) Series/season 3 is on its way in the post.

Don't get me wrong, Sanford and Son is good, but Steptoe & Son is much, much better. If you have seen both shows you will see that the acting in Sanford & Son is not as strong as in Steptoe & Son.

Redd Foxx, who played Fred G (S.A.N.F.O.R.D. period) Sanford, is a much stronger actor than that of Demond Wilson who played his son Lamont.

Redd Foxx looks quite natural as if we are a fly on the wall peering in to their lives, but with Demond Wilson you can see him avoiding looking in to the camera and pauses quite a lot waiting for a reaction from the audience.

That aside, it is still a nice accompanyment to your Steptoe & Son DVD collection.

Gibbs' Rules

Special Agent Leroy Gibbs has a list of rules that he and his fellow agents should work by. It was recently revealed by Gibbs himself that there are in fact 50 rules.

The rules I have found so far are as follows:

1) Never let suspects stay together.

1) Never screw over your partner.

2) Always wear gloves at a crime scene.

3) Don't believe what you're told. Double check. 3) Never be unreachable.

4) The best way to keep a secret? Keep it to yourself. Second best? Tell one other person - if you must. There is no third best.

7) Always be specific when you lie.

8) Never take anything for granted.

9) Never go anywhere without a knife.

12) Never date a coworker.

18) It's better to seek forgiveness than ask permission.

22) Never, ever bother Gibbs in interrogation.

23) Never mess with a Marine's coffee if you want to live.

Now, you will have noticed that there are a couple of conflicting rules such as there appear to be 2 rule 1's. This is because the rules seem to be quite fluid as opposed to being set in a specific order.

I'm sure as the seasons go on more of the rules will be revealed until all 50 are known!

Thursday, 19 April 2007

I've Found Out Where All The Bees Have Gone!

Apparently, one of the reasons we have not been seeing many Bees in the last

few years is down to mobile phones!

I can see it now, all the Bees have their own mobile and get the pollen delivered via mail order instead of having to buzz around!!! lol

Seriously thought, it is believed that mobile phone signals cause the Bees navigation to get messed up which is why we have not seen any for some time...

Check this out if you do not believe me:

Thursday, 8 March 2007

Need For Speed (NFS) Carbon

Just when you thought the NFS series couldn't get any better, along comes the Wii to prove you wrong...

The last NFS game I played on was NFS Underground 2 on the PC and this game on the Wii is exactly the same, only better!!!  The graphics and in-game music and sound effects are of the high standard we have come to expect with the NFS series of games.  The premise is pretty much the same as before, you have to drive around winning races so you can upgrade you car to be able to win even more races!

When you are fed up with drifting, race wars, sprinting and racing through checkpoints you can simply drive around the places that you have unlocked and annoy the police and see how many cars you can destroy and how many road blocks you can evade!

How can you win a race but pass the finish line in 2nd place??? Crew racing, that's how!  No longer are you racing alone, as you progress through the game you find yourself recruiting different crew members which you can hire for particular races.

The crew members come in 3 different varieties:

1) Drafters - as the name suggests, these crew members speed off ahead of you and allow you to make use of their slipstream.

2) Pathfinders - the name says it all really, these crew members will find all the shortcuts that you can take so make sure you follow them!

3) Blockers - these guys will take out your opponents that you see coming up close in your rear view mirror.

What really makes this game on the Wii standout is the gameplay, more importantly the unique way this game has made use of your Controller & Nunchuck!  Just when you thought playing Excite Truck by tilting your Controller was innovative, NFS Carbon goes one step further and offers you 5 different ways of controlling your car!

This is the standard way of controlling a car on the Wii and is just like the way you would do so if you were playing Excite Truck of GT Pro etc.

When I first started playing this game, this was the only control method I was using as I hadn't realised I had another 4 more options to choose from!

The only thing I don't like about this control set is that to turn round sharp corners you have to hold down the A button which is for over steering.

The method shown here on the right is the one I am currently using and it is absolutely awesome!

You tilt the nunchuck left and right for the analogue steering and (quite literally) use the controller as the accelerator pedal!

Without a doubt the control methods in this game make it stand out from the rest!

If you were umming and arring over this game and GT Pro then forget GT Pro and get yourself Carbon - you won't regret it!

Wii Mans Game Rating

Fun Factor: 9/10 - If you like car racing games then buy this NOW!
Playability: 10/10 - With 5 different control methods you are bound to find one to suit.
Gameplay: 10/10 - Carbon makes full use of the Controller & Nunchuck!
Graphics: 8/10 - Fantastic graphics that we have come to expect on the NFS series of games.
Sound/Music: 8/10 - Nothing fancy but still quite good. I would have liked to see MP3s from your SD card being used in this game though...

Overall 45/50

*** A Wii Man Recommended Title For Car Racing Fans!***

Thursday, 1 March 2007


It seems that scientists have been messing about with brains, pigeons brains...

What they have managed to do is plant electrodes in to a pigeons brain allowing them to remotely control how the pigeon flies.

"Xinhua News Agency said the scientists at the Robot Engineering Technology Research Center at Shandong University of Science and Technology in eastern China used the micro electrodes to command the bird to fly right or left, and up or down."

"It was the first such successful experiment on a pigeon in the world, said Su, who conducted a similar successful experiment on mice in 2005. (AP)"

WHY? What is the point of this bizarre experiment and how can mankind benefit from such experiments???


Talking of brains, boffins have now come to the conclusion that "The Brain is Chaotic".

I could of told you that and I aint no boffin!

Even I know that the brain is a complex and weird organ that no-one really understands as it is too complex for us to ever fully understand.

I will even go as far as to say that the brain is infinitely more complicated than we ourselves can ever comprehend.



News stories about the missing bees seem to be doing the rounds again. Did you know that here in the UK we actually IMPORT bees? Well apparently

we do as they keep disapearing! Can you remember the last time you saw lots of bees flying around during the summer?

The mystery of the vanishing bees continues...

Monday, 19 February 2007

Excite Truck

If you like driving games and have a Wii then this has to be a 'Must Buy' for you!

If you thought tilting your Wii Controller left/right to turn the car in GT Pro Series or Monster 4x4 was innovative then you will be even more pleasantly surprised when you play this game!

This makes full use of the Wii Controller (minus the nun-chuck that is) as not only do you have to turn the controller left and and right, when you take off on a jump you have to rotate it forwards and backwards as well to ensure that you land correctly!
If you take a look at the image below (that I have found on the net), you will see what I mean.

Now if the innovative use of the controller wasn't enough, this game is not all about going across the finish line in 1st place. It's all about stars...

At the start of each race you are told the time limit, number of laps and the minimum number of stars required to move on to the next level.

You get stars for landing correctly after jumping in the air from the raised terrain, for going through 'rings' whilst in the air on certain jumps, for ramming in to your opponents at high speed, for performing 360, 720, 1080 or even 1800 degree turns in the air, for doing 'tree runs' and even for crashing spectacularly!!!

At the bottom-right of the screenshot you can see the temparature gauge. When you activate the turbo-boost (by pressing any direction on the digi-pad) the temparature gauge goes up. When it reaches maximum you must stop using it and let the engine cool down.

The fastest way to cool the engine down is either via jumping through the air or to drive through shallow water.

Overall this a fantastic game which makes full use of the Wii Controller! The graphics may not be outstanding but the game-play more than makes up for it!

One thing I would recommend you think about buying (if you dont already have one) is a Joytech Controller as shown in the image on the right.

I found that it helped me to hold the controller in a more comfortable manor and reduced the aching wrists!

One last thing is that there is now a proper use for the SD card that most of us seem to have brought (and then couldn't find a real use for them)! Any MP3s stored on an SD card in your Wii system will be used during the game - this is why the music rating below is 10/10 as its your own music so you must like it...

Wii Mans Game Rating

Fun Factor: 8/10 - If you like fun car games then you'll enjoy this!
Playability: 9/10 - The only feature that isn't used is the nun-chuck!
Gameplay: 9/10 - Great fun, great game.
Graphics: 8/10 - Reasonable graphics with good weather effects.
Sound/Music: 10/10 - If you have an SD card then it's music of your choosing!

Overall 44/50

*** A Wii Man Recommended Title ***

Joytech Controller Grip

The Joytech Controller Grip for the Wii basically turns your Wii controller into the traditional type of controller you find on other games consoles.

I have only found one use for this Controller Grip and that is for playing Excite Truck where after an hour or so's gaming my wrists began to ache a bit - but with this accessory the aching is no more!

A nice simple product that does what it says on the tin.

Some places seem to be charging up to £12.99 for this piece of plastic but if you shop around you can get it for £7.99 or less.

Personally I think it is a bit over-priced for what it is and should be no more than £4.99. But then hey, what do I know? I paid £7.99 for it - go figure!


Friday, 16 February 2007

Hypnogogic & Hypnopompic Hallucinations

You know that feeling when you are just dropping off to sleep, when you're not quite asleep but not quite awake? This is what is known as a hypnogogic state.

A similar feeling can occur when you are just waking up and this is known as a hypnopompic state.

During these states it is not uncommon for certain 'sensations' or 'experiences' to occur including the feeling of another presence next to your or even temporary paralysis!

Some may say that some of the reported 'experiences' are down to ghostly and paranormal goings on, others simply that it is a hypnogogic or hypnopompic hallucination, you decide...

Monday, 5 February 2007

WarioWare: Smooth Moves

Oh My God! What a bizarre, strange and funny game!

The game is nothing more than a complete compilation of what seems like hundreds and hundreds of mini-games that are over in the blink of an eyelid!

It makes full use of the Wii Controller with you having to perform such tasks as turning key to open a door to holding the controller on your head whilst you squat on the ground and then stand straight back up again!!!

The images below show just some of the mini-games that you have to complete in (quite literally) a matter of seconds! Just before the mini game begins you are shown how to hold the remote and in the few seconds that the game lasts, not only do you have to complete the task but you have to actually work out what the task is and how to move the controller!!! Mad I tell you , mad!!!

The image on the left shows someone holding the remote in the 'mohican' stance squatting etc. the image above shows you using a saw with the remaining image showing how you can weight-lift!!!

This game is a great party game as everyone can take part! I'm not sure which is more fun, taking part playing the game or watching someone playing the game!!!

Wii Man's Reviews

Fun Factor: 9/10 - On your own 0/10 with a load of mates 9/10
Playability: 10/10 - Full use of the Wii controller
Gameplay: 9/10 - That's all there is with this game, not much skill involved!
Graphics: 5/10 - Graphics are not what this game is about!!!
Sound/Music: 7/10 - Fun sounding music for a fun game.

Overall 40/50

Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Wii SD Memory Cards - What's That All About?

The Wii has a 512MB internal memory for the saving of games, so why on earth would you want up-to a 2GB SD Memory Card for it as well?

I still haven't worked out the answer to this one, other than putting on specific types of Photos, a few MP3s and certain video files I can't really see that a memory card for you Wii is much use?

It's a console, so why would you want to put your photos on it??? I can kind of understand the MP3s as some games that are coming out later in the year will be able to read your MP3s and have them as the background music in the game.

It is not possible to directly save your games to an SD card. All your saves go directly on to the internal memory.

You can copy your saved games to it though and take it round a mates house to continue playing (or to show them a new level etc). But as you can only have one of each saved game you have to copy your mates saved game to another memory stick first, then delete the one on the system and then copy yours across and when you have finished you have to reverse the whole process!!!

A lot of needless messing about if you ask me... One important thing I need to point out is that you don't have to buy a Wii branded SD card. A standard SD card will do. The Wii supports a maximum size of 2GB so don't get any bigger than that as it wont work!

So all in all, no real need to rush out and buy an SD card for your Wii. Though I'm sure in time when Nintendo release new updates for the Wii in the future, a good use may be found, we shall have to wait and see...

Monday, 29 January 2007

Far Cry: Vengeance

When I got this game I didn't know quite what to expect. I certainly wasn't expecting the way that the controls work!

The nunchuk is required for this game and is used (along with the controller) in an ingenious way.

You have to point the controller at the screen and as you move the cross-hair around you move in that direction in conjunction with the nunchuk analogue stick which moves you forwards and backwards and sideways left and right.

Grenades and the like! To throw a stone, grenade or petrol bomb you hold down a button on the nunchuk, aim with the controller and then pretend the nunchuk is a grenade etc. and perform a throwing motion!

If you imagine the controller as being a knife all you have to do is perform a cutting/slicing/chopping motion and it will automatically change to the knife and start cutting things before changing back to your chosen weapon.

To jump you move the nunchuk quickly in an upward direction and to kick things you wiggle the controller in a kicking fashion.

The graphics are reasonable but can be a bit dodgy at times with some textures of the foliage being quite pixel Ted. On a few occasions I have noticed that the draw distance can be a bit poor sometimes too as on turning around it quickly tries to draw buildings that you are quite near to.

To start with I thought the sound/music was quite good as when you get to a tense part of the game some tense sounding music begins to play... it is when it gets to the end of the track and then starts again with no fade in or out that you realise it is badly joined together, which spoils it a little bit for me.

Overall this is quite a reasonable game, but the only thing that makes it stand a little bit out from the crowd is the way you use the controllers.

I think if you wanted to get this game then I would wait until it is re-released as a 'budget' title as I am sure it will be in the future...

Wii Mans Game Rating

Fun Factor: 6/10 - Can Be Quite Repetitive & You May Get Bored Easily
Playability: 10/10 - The Controls Are Amazing, Unlike Anything Before!
Gameplay: 6/10 - The Game Is Playable, But Nothing Too Outstanding
Graphics: 7/10 - Some Poor Textures & Draw Distance Flaws
Sound/Music: 5/10 - Badly Joined Music When It Is Repeated

Overall: 34/50

Friday, 26 January 2007

GT Pro Series

The GT Pro Series that I have got came with the free steering wheel attachment which takes the whole gaming experience to a different level.

To steer the vehicles all you need to do is place the controller in to the steering wheel thingy and then simply rotate it left and right!

Then all you need to worry about is 2 buttons. Button 1 is the brake and button 2 is accelerate. It couldn't be any simpler than that!!

You start off in what I like to call 'easy mode' and work your way up getting gold, silver and bronze cups as

you go!

In some aspects it is like the Need For Speed series of games as you collect upgrades that you can add to any of your vehicles as you progress through the game.

If your arms are aching from playing games like Raymans Raving Rabbids then this game is ideal for having a rest from all that shaking and thrusting about!!!

Wii Mans Game Rating

Fun Factor: 7/10 - If You Like Car Racing Games Then This Is For You!
Playability: 9/10 - The Steering Wheel Attachment Makes It An Even More Enjoyable Experience.
Gameplay: 7/10 - Similar To That Of The Need For Speed Type Of Game
Graphics: 7/10 - Good Graphics - Nothing Outstanding Though
Sound/Music: 7/10 - Good Music & Sound But Nothing Unexpected

Overall: 37/50

Thursday, 25 January 2007

Rayman: Raving Rabbids

Oh, My, God...

This has to be the most stupidest, daftest, silliest and most fun game I have ever played. :)

Rayman: Raving Rabbids is basically a game that is full of nothing but mini-games so you can either play for 5 minutes or 5 hours!!!  So far I have been running with a bomb trying to get to the finish line before the bomb goes off, only for the bomb to go off anyway!

I have also been watching some Rabbids with constipation, as the toilet doors fly open you have to close them using the remote and nunchuck else they get all embarrassed when they see you watching them and shoot you with a plunger!!  I've just got to the part where I have had to milk my first cow. Yes, that's right milking a cow! Who on earth comes up with these strange ideas?

Wii Mans Game Rating

Fun Factor: 10/10 - Amazing Fun
Playability: 9/10 - Very Tiring On The Arms
Gameplay: 9/10 - 5 Minutes Or 5 Hours, You Decide!
Graphics: 8/10 - Nothing Fancy As It's All About The Gameplay!
Sound/Music: 7/10 - Very Funny Sound Effects ;)

Overall: 43/50