Monday, 29 January 2007

Far Cry: Vengeance

When I got this game I didn't know quite what to expect. I certainly wasn't expecting the way that the controls work!

The nunchuk is required for this game and is used (along with the controller) in an ingenious way.

You have to point the controller at the screen and as you move the cross-hair around you move in that direction in conjunction with the nunchuk analogue stick which moves you forwards and backwards and sideways left and right.

Grenades and the like! To throw a stone, grenade or petrol bomb you hold down a button on the nunchuk, aim with the controller and then pretend the nunchuk is a grenade etc. and perform a throwing motion!

If you imagine the controller as being a knife all you have to do is perform a cutting/slicing/chopping motion and it will automatically change to the knife and start cutting things before changing back to your chosen weapon.

To jump you move the nunchuk quickly in an upward direction and to kick things you wiggle the controller in a kicking fashion.

The graphics are reasonable but can be a bit dodgy at times with some textures of the foliage being quite pixel Ted. On a few occasions I have noticed that the draw distance can be a bit poor sometimes too as on turning around it quickly tries to draw buildings that you are quite near to.

To start with I thought the sound/music was quite good as when you get to a tense part of the game some tense sounding music begins to play... it is when it gets to the end of the track and then starts again with no fade in or out that you realise it is badly joined together, which spoils it a little bit for me.

Overall this is quite a reasonable game, but the only thing that makes it stand a little bit out from the crowd is the way you use the controllers.

I think if you wanted to get this game then I would wait until it is re-released as a 'budget' title as I am sure it will be in the future...

Wii Mans Game Rating

Fun Factor: 6/10 - Can Be Quite Repetitive & You May Get Bored Easily
Playability: 10/10 - The Controls Are Amazing, Unlike Anything Before!
Gameplay: 6/10 - The Game Is Playable, But Nothing Too Outstanding
Graphics: 7/10 - Some Poor Textures & Draw Distance Flaws
Sound/Music: 5/10 - Badly Joined Music When It Is Repeated

Overall: 34/50

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