Thursday, 20 May 2010

What Is The Point Of Twitter?

Ever since Twitter first began, I've never really understood the point of it all.  A few months ago I finally joined up to see what all the fuss was about and after entering a few 'tweets' I still couldn't work out what the point of it was.

I started to follow a friend of mine and soon knew when she was at work, when she was at home, if she was having dinner, getting a drink and a fair few other mundane pieces of information.

I just didn't get it.

I then started looking for some famous people to follow and that's when I started to realise what it's all about!

It's about following people that you find interesting and when you follow the right people you'll start to enjoy twitter and that's what I think it's all about!

I've even started following local business to me such as my local paper so I can see local headlines with a web link, if I want to read more I can click on the link else I just ignore it!

I've recently discovered the Lists function so I've now grouped together all the local people I'm following, people I actually know, famous people and funny people!

One of the people I'm following is @thekeithchegwin who tweets a lot of funny jokes and it made my day when I replied to one of his tweets saying I had just found him on Twitter and hadn't laughed so much in a long while and he sent me a reply!

I'm also following the lead singer of the band Twisted Sister @deesnider and he Re-Tweeted one of my comments and added to it!  In what other situation could I be chatting with a megastar like that?!

If you want to see the people I am currently following on Twitter then take a look at my lists here:

When it comes to Tweeting, I have decided not to Tweet about everything and anything but will mainly Tweet about the different day trips I go on along with the odd thing that I find interesting or relevant to me.

If you want to follow me on Twitter then take a look here:

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