Monday, 6 February 2012

LoveFilm Letter Finally Arrived

After what seems like an absolute age, my LoveFilm 6 Month subscription letter has finally arrived!

I've already been on to the website, filled in all my details, entered the subscription code and started to choose some DVDs that I'd like to rent.

There is a free iPhone app (that I've already downloaded) that you can use to log in to your account and add/remove rental choices as well as change their priority.

So How Does LoveFilm Work Then?

The way it works is simple, you create a list of DVDs or BluRays that you would like to rent.  When you click on a title that you want to rent you have to give it a priority, either High, Medium or Low.

Then what you do is wait for the LoveFilm magic to happen.  Their computer system
basically looks at your list of DVDs in the priority order that you have put them all in and then it sees if that disc is available for rental and if it is then it gets sent out to you.

You get a prepaid envelope with your rental that you use to send your disc(s) back to them in and once they receive it, the system goes through the above process again and sends out the next available disc to you.

If you pick a TV Series the system is clever enough to know to send you each disc in order if it is a box set for example.

You can log on to the LoveFilm website or use the iPhone app at any point to add more titles to you rental list or remove ones you are no longer interested in.  You can also change the priority of any rental in your list any time you like.

As my list is all setup, all I have to do now is wait and see what discs I'm going to be sent!  :)

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